The attractive images interests children to concentrate which improves their concentration power and observational skills. Grasp Attention & Improve concentration: The Eye-Catching images on the flash cards make learning fun without any barriers.Right brain learning: Flash card learning develops the right brain memory of a baby, the memory stored in the right brain stays for the lifetime.Playful learning: Flash cards develops the love of learning in fun and play manner.

This signs are individual alphabet which when joined with each other makes words or sentences. Each vowel has 12 different sounds that is why it is called as barakhadi. Hindi vowel signs and sounds are very important for learning the formation of words in Hindi. Learning through flash cards is a lifelong learning and aids the child in becoming smarter with its regular and appropriate exposure. Children have the greatest potential for developing the right brain from ages zero to six years old, with the highest potential being at the earlier ages.

Current research confirms that learning starts as early as in the womb.